Congressman Pushes for Ban on Slot Machines at Military Bases

Jerry SmithBy Jerry Smith Staff Writer Updated: 06/19/2024
Jerry Smith Jerry Smith Staff Writer See Full Bio

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Soldier Playing Slot Machine Ban on Slot Machines at Military Bases

According to recent reports, a US congressman is pushing for a ban on slot machines at military bases. This is in a bid to address growing concerns over gambling addiction among service members. Representative Paul Tonko from New York’s 20th congressional district has filed an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) seeking to outlaw slot machines on US military bases.

The move has sparked debate on the floor of the House, as lawmakers consider over 1,300 proposed amendments during the NDAA deliberations. Tonko’s amendment aims to confront the potential risks associated with slot machines on military bases, with a focus on prioritizing the well-being of US service personnel.

Congressman Highlights the Potential for Gambling Addiction

The New York congressman highlighted the need for stringent regulation of addictive products like slot machines, stating that access to these machines could lead to problem gambling and addiction. He said:

I’ve been leading the charge in Congress to address the rise in problem gambling.

Slot machines have been allowed in the U.S. military since the 1970s when they were reintroduced overseas as a deterrent for service members seeking off-base gambling entertainment. However, while they have now been allowed for many decades, there continue to be concerns about the impact they could have on service members.

A Government Accountability Office report revealed that the military operates several thousand slot machines in a dozen countries. This is said to generate an annual revenue of more than $100 million.

Officials said that this revenue makes a huge positive impact when it comes to funding recreational activities on military bases. However, Tonko’s proposal calls for a reevaluation of the balance between financial benefits and potential gambling addiction among service members.

Tonko’s initiative is said to be a reflection of wider concerns relating to problem gambling within the armed forces. A study carried out by Rutgers University suggested that serving military personnel and veterans are over twice as likely to fall victim to problem gambling compared to civilians.

In addition to the proposed ban on slot machines, Tonko is also advocating for legislation to help deal with gambling addiction on a broader level. This includes looking at the regulation of online sports betting companies and putting safeguards in place to protect vulnerable people from the adverse impact of gambling.

Problem Gambling an Issue in Many States

Over recent years, more and more states have experienced problems with gambling addiction, particularly given the rise in the number of states that now allow legal sports betting in addition to casino gaming.

Many states have introduced programs and support for those who develop an addiction to gambling, but there are concerns that the resources available to deal with this issue are inadequate. For many people who become addicted to gambling, it can have a negative impact on their work, finances, relationships, mental health, and physical health.

As a result, many states have plowed money and resources into developing programs and helplines to assist those who fall victim to gambling addictions.

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