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Lucky Animals that Might Help You Win at the Casino

Jerry SmithBy Jerry Smith Staff Writer Updated: 08/27/2022
Jerry Smith Jerry Smith Staff Writer See Full Bio

Jerry’s greatest advantage is his extensive experience on the casino floor. His time as a casino manager taught him everything about what makes a player tick. Besides being a skilled poker player, he has deep knowledge of all live table games and gambling regulations in the US.

A rabbit in the field. Lucky Animals

Are you wondering what your lucky animals could be? Over the centuries, different cultures around the world have attributed good luck, prosperity, and fortune to animals. In this article, we’ve explained some of the most beloved and believed-in lucky animals and what they mean to different cultures.

Good Luck Animals For March 2025

There’s a slight possibility that you’ve never come across the idea of good luck animals in the past. If that’s the case, you’ll want to start by reading our brief history of lucky animals in the first section of this page. Here, we’ve looked at what this topic actually means and how different people relate to different animals.

Whether you’re interested in animals that symbolize wealth or animal good luck charms, we’ve broken down this topic into five different categories; mammals, reptiles, insects, birds, and fish. You can use the following links to see if your favorite animals have made the cut, or keep reading to discover them all.

The History of Lucky Animals

While it may seem silly or superstitious to some, animal symbolism is a major part of human history. For example, in the Bible, doves are portrayed as symbols of peace and harmony, and that association has remained for thousands of years. Many other belief systems similarly portray some animals as bringing good luck.

In China, feng-shui typically deals with good luck animals. Many indigenous cultures such as Native Americans or the Australian aboriginal peoples have strong beliefs around the sacredness of some animals too. Sometimes, people have their own relationship with animals that mean something exclusively to them.

If you’re wondering what animals bring good luck, this will completely depend on which system of belief relates most to you or your own superstitions. Modern casinos will feature imagery of Chinese good luck animals, whether they be roosters or rabbits, some will look for great online slots to play featuring lucky animals.

List of Animals That Bring Good Fortune

Whether you’re curious about different good fortune animals or you’re trying to confirm if your favorite animals are considered lucky, you’ll find a thorough overview in these upcoming sections. We’ve organized each category of good omen animals based on their species to make it easier to find what you’re looking for.


There are a lot of different mammals that are considered good luck animals:


For more than two thousand years, rabbits have been considered a symbol of good fortune. This could be related to their ability to procreate rapidly, making them also a symbol of fertility and abundance. You’ve probably heard of the rabbit foot lucky charm, or that some people even say “rabbits” on the first day of the month for good luck.


There are several cultures that associate pigs with good luck, including Ireland and Germany. In fact, you’ll often see good luck pigs on greeting cards that offer congratulations or luck in Germany. Some Northern Europeans may keep pig charms, as pigs also symbolize wealth — hence the “Piggy Bank” for saving cash.


Bulls are powerful symbols in many ancient cultures and relate to virility, fertility, and abundance. For example, bulls are the symbol of the Taurus star sign, which is in Spring. A bull totem may be worn or worshiped by some in an effort to be blessed with good luck and prosperity.


It may sound counter-intuitive to include bats in a list of animals that bring good luck, as some cultures consider bats as a bad omen. However, in China, the word ‘bat’ is ‘fu’, which is pronounced the same as the Chinese word for good fortune. This makes it a powerful lucky symbol in China.


You’ve likely come across small golden statues of elephants. These relate to Buddhism and Hinduism, which use the elephant as a symbol of Buddha and Ganesha respectively. The elephant is seen as a symbol of wisdom and prosperity, with some keeping elephant totems to welcome good luck and protection over their homes.


In many seafaring cultures of old, dolphins were considered to be protectors of sailors, travelers, and ships. Their reputation for being gentle and caring creatures has endured through the ages, and many today consider dolphins to be lucky. You’ll often be able to find dolphin statues and pendants.


Deers are especially prominent symbols in both Chinese and Native American beliefs. In both cases, deers are considered to be graceful, intuitive, quick, wise, and gentle. If believers came across the animals in the wild, it was seen to be a blessing. Many today still hold a strong affinity for deer.



Frogs have been seen as a good luck symbol across the world for thousands of years. In China, the three-legged feng shui money frog is placed around the home in order to attract wealth and prosperity. These good luck frogs are also said to increase longevity, making them a perfect totem for gamblers.


Since Ancient Greek times, lizards have been considered to be a sign of good luck. Some lizards have different levels of significance to certain cultures, whether it be the house gecko or green lizard. This association has come from the fact that lizards are plentiful and are nocturnal, indicating an ability to see light through the darkness.


The tortoise is a powerful symbol in both feng shui and Buddhism. In feng shui, a well-placed lucky charm tortoise is said to bring prosperity to a household. In particular, the black tortoise is said to bring longevity and is seen as a cornerstone of the feng shui spiritual practice.



In Europe, Asia and American cultures, the cricket is considered to be a symbol of good luck. In most beliefs, when a cricket is in the home, it brings good fortune and protection. Some cultures even kept crickets as pets, while the cricket is also a feng-shui symbol to be placed around the home.


It’s common to find beetles as lucky charms as amulets due to the popular belief that beetles protect people from bad luck or evil spirits. The beetle was a prominent symbol in ancient Egyptian and Native American cultures, and today many people consider the beetle to bring prosperity if it lands on you.


The life cycle of a butterfly, which undergoes a process of change and flight, makes it a powerful symbol of renewal and good fortune. Like the beetle, some believe that a butterfly brings good luck if you catch it or it lands on you. They are meaningful and beautiful good luck charms that are beloved by many.



Cranes are perhaps most significant to Japanese culture. It is believed to be a mystical creature that brings longevity, success, and good fortune. The ancient Japanese people believed that cranes lived for millennia, hence why cranes are so prominent in Japanese art such as origami. Interestingly, the crane is seen as an evil figure in Hinduism.


The rooster is a popular good luck symbol in several cultures, including in feng-shui and in Portugal. In the latter, the symbol is linked to an old legend that centered on a rooster proving the innocence of a pilgrim and saving his life. It is common for Portuguese people to keep a rooster figure in the house.



In feng-shui, goldfish are symbols of prosperity, and good luck due to their ability to procreate rapidly. Quite simply, their distinct color is also related to an abundance of gold and riches. The goldfish is one of the most common household pets in China for this reason, and goldfish statues are also prominent.

Arowana Fish

Arowana fish are an expensive and highly sought-after pet in China, due to their association with good luck. Also called a golden dragon, its presence is said to bring happiness, love, vitality, wealth, power, and prosperity to its owner. It’s common to see Arowana in aquariums in Macau.


Across Asia, Koi fish are considered to be good luck symbols. Many affluent homes will have koi points to bring fortune and wealth to their home. In particular, golden Koi are considered to be linked to wealth and prosperity, and their ability to rapidly reproduce is another reason that they’re associated with abundance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you still have more questions about lucky animals? If so, then keep reading. In the upcoming section, we’ve answered the most commonly asked questions about the topic. We’ve provided jump-links in each, so you can learn more details if you wish.

How long have people believed in lucky animals?

The belief in good luck animals is as old as history itself. Animal symbolism is a rich part of many modern and ancient religions, and whether animals were believed to be symbols of good or evil, they remain powerful symbols to many today. Some of the animals listed on this page have been considered lucky for thousands of years.

What are some good luck mammals?

There are several good luck mammals. The ones we have listed include bulls, rabbits, dolphins, deer, bats, and elephants. While some of these animals are significant in several cultures, some such as bats are only seen as lucky in China. Of these, the rabbit is the most common lucky animal.

What are some good luck reptiles?

Lucky reptiles include frogs, lizards, and tortoises. You will find these animals featured in many old stories, myths, and legends, whether they be related to feng-shui or ancient Buddhist texts. Some believe that you can acquire statues and totems of these animals to bring good luck.

What are some good luck insects?

The lucky insects include beetles, crickets, and butterflies. When it comes to lucky insects, some believe that they must land on you or be caught to bring good fortune. In some instances, these animals are only lucky if they come into your home. In ancient Egypt, the beetle was extremely significant to their belief about life and death.

What are some good luck birds?

Common lucky birds include roosters and cranes. These are typically seen as lucky in Asian cultures. The rooster is thought to bring good luck in Portugal and China, while the crane is a significant spiritual animal in Japan. Interestingly, some cultures consider cranes to be unlucky.
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